This page outlines what you will need to prepare for your virtual display. There are six sections. Your report can include the usual headings (see sections) or be written in a more narrative form. Please remember that a picture is worth a thousand words! If the word limit seems short – how about providing some pictures of your project! You will have a couple of weeks to upload your material but be prepared ahead of time.
Since your project will be up on the website for some time, your scientific work needs to be protected. Technical details of your procedure and the measurements you have made for observations should not be online. You must write a Procedures and Observation Report which will be uploaded and available for judges only that will include details.
(maximum 150 words + 1 Image) written for someone aged 11 – 13
Do this once you have finished everything else! This is to briefly tell the story of your project. Ask a family member or friend to read it. Do they understand what you did and why?
- One or two sentences to introduce the question or problem and spark interest.
- One or two sentences describing what you did.
- One or two sentences summarizing the main results or explaining your solution.
- One or two sentences summarizing the main results or your solution.
- One or two sentences to describe the importance of your work.
(1 minute maximum)
This is your opportunity to talk to your audience face-to-face
- Introduce yourself and tell us what got you interested in the question or problem.
- Focus on the main part of your project– how you did it, what you learned and why it matters., what you did and what it means.
- Remember, one minute is a very short time! Prepare a simple script and time yourself before recording. Speak clearly and slowly. Show off your equipment or prototype or use a model.
(250 Words + 5 Image maximum) Tell us your story!
Includes: Purpose, Hypothesis and Background Information
- Why did you do this project?
- What or who inspired you to do this project?
- What question were you trying to answer or what problem were you trying to solve?
- Who could benefit from your project?
- How can it make the world a better place?
(300 Words + 5 Images maximum) How did you perform your experiment or develop your solution?
Includes: Materials, Method, Procedure, Design and/or Testing Procedure with Figures, Photos and Prototype Sketches
Note: Do not include all technical details online. Submit details in the Procedures and Observation Report Section II.
- How did you do your background research?
- How did you identify relevant and trustworthy sources of information?
- What was your experiment or design process?
- How did you design and test your solution or prototype?
- What materials did you use?
- How did you collect your data?
- How many samples did you test?
- How did you control the variables?
(500 Word + 5 Image maximum)Tell us your results! What did you find out?
Includes: Results, Tables and Graphs
Note: To protect your ideas and work, do not share your raw data (actual measurements made) online. Show your results in graphical form and only show those that summarize your data and support your conclusion. The raw data must be included in your Procedures and Observations Report, Section III.
- What are the main results or findings of your project?
- How does your prototype work?
- Discuss your results.
- If you used statistics, explain why you chose the methods you used.
- Show your results in graphical form – only include graphs or figures that summarize your data and support your conclusion. Any additional work could be kept in your Log Book and be available for Judges if they ask.
(250 Words + 5 Image maximum) Tell us why your results are important and what they mean.
Includes: Discussion and Conclusion
- What are the conclusions you can draw from your results?
- What did you learn from your results?
(100 Words + 5 Image maximum) Tell us how you could extend your project.
Includes: Further Research and/or Future Improvements
- What could you have done differently?
- How could you improve your project?
- What are the next steps?
Tell us where you got your information and ideas!
All ideas, thoughts, data, or statements that are not uniquely your own should be referenced, including discussions you may have had with others (Interviews). APA formatting is preferred as in the following examples:
Personal Interview
Expert, D. S. (2020, January 25). Head of Science Department, Science Directorate. (P. Articipant, Interviewer)
Rideau St. Lawrence Science Fair. (2020, February 24). Rules and Regulations. Retrieved from
Journal articles:
Denisov, I. G., & Sligar, S. G. (2017). Nanodiscs in membrane biochemistry and biophysics. Chemical Reviews, 117(6), 4669-4713.